Principal's Message

2024 is a milestone year for Maris Stella High School. We finally confirmed our plan to rebuild the school. In 2027, we will be moving to our holding sites at Mattar Road (primary section) and Jalan Damai (secondary section). In the same year, the primary section will also be taking in girls for the first time while the secondary section will remain as an all-boys school.
The holding site at Jalan Damai is a fully equipped secondary school campus complete with a school field and an indoor sports hall, which we currently do not have. The holding site at Mattar Road has undergone PRIME (Programme for Rebuilding and Improving Existing Schools) and features a large air-conditioned auditorium that is suitable for school events and student performances. These holding sites are bigger and better equipped to support students' learning and CCA activities than our current school campus. While we are at the holding sites, the new building will be constructed at the current site. We plan to return to our current site in 2030.
Some parents say it is a hassle to relocate. I told them not to fear relocation. We are all familiar with the well-known story of《孟母三迁》. Mencius's mother relocated three times in order to find a good learning environment for Mencius. In the end, Mencius became a great philosopher and a central figure in Confucianism. We should learn from Mencius' mother and not let relocation stop us from choosing a good school for our children.
The school has done exceptionally well in both the MOE School Staff Engagement Survey and Quality of School Experience Survey. The former measures staff engagement, while the latter evaluates students' school experiences. We scored exceptionally high in the areas of School Leadership, Middle Management, Holistic Student Development and Sense of Belonging. This is an affirmation of the good work Marist Educators have been doing for the past two years.
Over the last two years, PSLE and O Level examination results have improved significantly, especially in Higher Chinese Language and Chinese Language. We achieved 100% distinction-pass rate for Higher Chinese Language at PSLE, and 97% for A1-B3 and 67% distinction for Chinese Language at O Levels. There is no doubt that Marists deserve the title of bilingual talents.
2024 marks one of the best years for the school. With the support of the School Management Committee, the Alumni Association and parents, I am confident that we will be able to take the school to the next level of excellence in the next few years.
Boy Eng Seng (Mr)
2024年对海星中学而言是一个新的里程碑。今年,我们终于确认了重建学校的计划。2027 年,我们的小学部将搬迁至玛达路(Mattar Road),中学部则搬迁至 Jalan Damai。同年,小学部也将首次招收女生,而中学部仍为全男校。
Jalan Damai 的校舍是一个设备齐全的校园。它有一个操场和一个室内体育馆。这些设施是我们目前没有的。位于玛达路(Mattar Road) 的校舍已经过 “重建与改善现有学校计划” (PRIME , Programme for Rebuilding and Improving Existing Schools)的认证,它将有一个大型的空调礼堂,适合举办学校活动和演出。这两所校舍的面积比我们现有的更大、设备更齐全,有助于学生学习和进行课程辅助活动。我们搬迁到这两所校舍后,现有校舍的重建工程也将开启。我们计划在 2030 年搬回新校舍。
我校在教职员满意度问卷(School Staff Engagement Survey)和学校体验质量调查(Quality of School Experience)都有杰出的表现。前者评估的是教职员在工作方面的满意度,后者则是评估学生的校园体验。我们在“校领导”、“中层管理人员”、“培养学生的全面发展”和“归属感”方面得分非常高。这是对 我校教职员在过去两年中所付出的努力的一个肯定。