Bicultural Programme (Primary)
Bicultural Programme
- 武术
- 华乐、书法
- 绘本制作小书,培养社交情绪技能
- 戏剧
- 欣赏华语演出,发展华文华语的应用与思维的能力
- 象棋
- 进一步认识新加坡特色,并学习以华文华语介绍本土文化,加强国家归属感与自豪感
- 国画课
- 漫画书设计,培养双语能力
- 牛车水学习之旅,进一步强化本土文化的认知
- 品茶泡茶,初探中国茶文化,体验文人雅士的闲情逸致
- 华文学会
- 象棋社
- 武术
- 海外浸入及小小导览员
Through our Brother Chanel Programme, we strive to nurture effectively bilingual Marists who will be active learners and proficient users of both languages. Marists will have a deeper appreciation of and live out the Chinese culture as well as demonstrate cultural sensitivity. With a strong national identity and global perspective, Marist will become Gentlemen who will serve Singapore in the future. As a full school, we have a 10-year SAP programme that is distinctive to Maris Stella High School.
For the first 6 years in the Primary section, our area of focus will be “走近(文化)”. We aim to provide a values-driven holistic education, through an extensive authentic learning experience in Chinese Language and Cultural Acquisition.
For the next 4 years in the Secondary section, our area of focus will be “走进(文化)”. Marists will be able to deepen their knowledge, skills and proficiencies in their interest areas pertaining to Chinese Culture and Bilingualism. Our Brother Chanel Programme seeks to achieve students outcomes through the school culture and curriculum. Our curriculum consists of broad-based curriculum that every Marist will experience and talent development curriculum that Marists with specific strengths will further deepen their knowledge.
Our Broad-Based Curriculum includes Cultural Knowledge taught through Di Zi Gui (弟子规)and Xiao Bai Long School Textbook (小白龙) as well as Cultural Experiences. These experiences include:
- P1: Wushu
- P2: Chinese Calligraphy and Music
- P3: Chinese Opera
- P4: Little Docents, Chinese Chess
- P5: Chinese Painting and Bilingual Comic Book Creation
- P6: Learning Journey to Chinatown and Chinese Tea Appreciation
Talent Development Curriculum
Programmes include:
- Chinese Literary Drama Club
- Chinese Chess Club
- Wushu CCA
- Exchange Programmes (local hosting and overseas immersion)