Design and Technology
Design and Technology
The Design and Technology Department aims to:
Develop Marists to appreciate design function, aesthetics and technology through their projects;
Cultivate Marists’ visual-spatial thinking through sketching, experimenting and prototyping using various materials and basic hand tools, equipment and machine safely;
Develop Marists’ confidence and pride through turning ideas into physical objects; and
Help Marists to develop resilience and problem solving skills via coursework rigour.
To achieve the Department’s goals, the following programmes are offered:
MSHS 2-year Design and Technology
Acrylic Electronics Signage with Coding Project
Wooden Mechanical Linkages Project
Metal Structural Book End Project
Multi-Medium Mechanical Toy Project
Marists are given the opportunities to participate in the following competitions:
South Zone Millennium Race
Singapore Polytechnic Toy Design Competition