MSHS Rebuilding

Maris Stella High School (MSHS) will be rebuilt to provide better facilities and enhance students' educational experience. From 2027 to 2029, the campuses of MSHS (Primary) and MSHS (Secondary) will be rebuilt at their permanent sites at 25 Mount Vernon Road. During the rebuilding process, MSHS (Primary) will hold at the former MacPherson Primary School site, while MSHS (Secondary) will hold at the former Bedok North Secondary School site.
To better serve the needs of local residents, MSHS (Primary), with agreement from MSHS Ltd's Board of Directors and the Marist Brothers Provincial Council, will turn co-educational when it moves to its holding site in 2027. MSHS (Primary) will also look into increasing its Primary 1 intake in 2027. To accommodate this larger intake, MSHS (Primary) will also operate on a partial single-session at the holding site during the rebuilding of its permanent campus. When its permanent campus is ready, tentatively in 2030, MSHS (Primary) will revert to operating on a single-session basis. MSHS (Secondary) will remain as an all-boys school for now.
To all Marists who have graduated, we invite you to sign up for the mailing list at so that you can be informed of any homecoming activities and be updated on the school’s rebuilding progress.
海星中学将于2027年至2029年期间进行校园重建,以提供更好的设施并提升学生的教育体验。重建将于学校原址(25 Mount Vernon Road)进行,期间海星中学的小学部将暂时迁至前麦波申小学的旧址,而中学部则将暂时迁至前勿洛北中学的旧址。
我们邀请所有历届的海星学子点击, 注册以获取学校重建进展的定期更新。